
Ancelotti and Real Madrid continue the leadings! Real Madrid and Ansotti signed a contract to 2024

On June 1st, local time, Royal Madrid officially announced that italian coach Carlo Antherti officially served as the leader of the team’s new season. Ancelotti will also replace Qi Zida, just resigned from Real Madrid, and returned to Madrid, which has become the coach of this Hamen Club in six years. It is understood that this Ancelotti has signed a three-year contract with Real Madrid and signed a contract for 2024.

Ansotti is over 6 years of retrieving

This time I sign a contract with Real Madrid, and the renewal of Ansotti and Real Madrid. Ansotti served as the main coach in Royal Madrid during 2013 to 2015, and even led Real Madrid to get the Champions League in 2014. The trophy, 1 King Cup champion, 1 European Super Cup champion, and a champion of the world. Unfortunately, in the 2014-2015 season, Ancelotti led the team to collapse the team, and went out of the team by the team.

Real Madrid announced that Ancelotti is a master coach

After Qida’s undergraduate, Real Madrid signed Antes, Ansrti, who was in the world, and Antherti was the leader of the world’s top ten, but this time I returned to Huangma’s annual salary. Down-regulation. Previously, Ancelotti worked in the Everton team, but the Evetti team was unable to pay the Antsotti salary, after negotiation with the club, Ancelotti and coach members took the initiative 30% of the salary, but still did not receive salary, which also made Ancelotti gave birth to the idea of ​​Everton.