
CBA ushered in the Beijing-Shanghai Wars Beijing team single-section 37 points wins 18 points, from the backhand 6 points to the leading 12 points to end the first half competition!

At 3:30 in the afternoon of March 18, Beijing, CBA welcomed the Beijing-Shanghai War, Beijing against Shanghai. In the first half, the two teams play a good ball, and the first competition belongs to the Shanghai team, and the single-section 27-21 establishes 6 points leading advantages. In the second section, the Beijing team is crazy, and the single-section is 37 points, winning 18 points, from the backward 6 points to lead 12 points to end the first half competition!

In terms of half data, Beijing Team Hamilton 10 points 4, Gibson 17 points, 3 plates, Fan Zi Ming 10 points 5 sheets, Wang Yuhui 6 points 1 help, Shu Shuo 2 points 5 help, Liu Xiaoyu 4 points 2 help, Zhu Yanxi 3 points 2 help , Raymond 4 points, 3 panels, Wu Tian 2 points, Shanghai team Deng Meng 12 points 4 help, Liu Wei 10 points 6 boards, Zongzan 9 points 3 board, Summer 3 points, 1 help, Luo Hanzhen 3 points 3 plates 2 break, Dong Yulin 2 points 5 board 2 help.

This happiness, loneliness, big god, David, is absent, the Shanghai team sent Deng Meng, Liu Wei, and Zong Zan, Zhang Zhaoxu’s first hair, Beijing team first sent five tigers: Sky Shuo, Liu Xiaoyu, Wang Yuhui, Hamilton, Li Muhao .

After the first section, 5-5, Zongzan counterattacks the layup, Deng Meng three points, Shanghai team has a 5 point, 10-5 to establish a score advantage. Liu Xiaoyu turned into the penalty area to change the left hand on the basket, Liu Wei killed Beijing’s inside. The two teams have alternately score, and the Shanghai team 27-21 leads the first section.

In the second section, the Beijing team began to pursue points, Gibson three-pointed, Raymond happened to be hit, Jeibson recloses three points and then entering, Beijing has connected 8 points, with 29-27 against the score. Dong Yulin took the back of the Fanzi Ming, and the Shanghai team finally scored. After 38, the Beijing team was once again 5-0 established an advantage.

In the end, the Beijing team is 37 points, 37-19 net winning Shanghai 18 points, half of the half, the Beijing team 58-46 not only reversed the score, but also has 12 points leading advantages, Beijing-Shanghai Wars more Stimulate!