
129-112! Philadelphia team defeated the Qi tale team to advance to the eastern semi-finals – Curry 30 points Bill air cut 32 points +7 rebound +5 assists

Today, Philadelphia was defeated at 129-112, and the opponent was eliminated with a total score of 4-1, and advanced to the eastern semi-finals. Enabud was in the lack of injury, and the Cescari ushered in the outbreak. The audience contributed 30 points, and the children’s career had a new high. Simmons gets three pairs of data from 19 to 10 rebounds 11 assists. Wei Shao contribute 24 points 8 rebounds 10 assists, Bill 32 points, Wizards Shuangxing stretched out, but still unable to return to day.

Both sides

Wizi: Westbrook, Ningcao, Bill, Eight Village, Jiaford

Philadelphia: Cespe Cook, Sebur, Green, Harris, Simmons

Data statistics

Wizards: Bill 32 points 7 rebounds 5 assists, Westbrook 24 points 8 rebounds 10 assists, eight villages 21 points 6 rebounds;

Philadelphia: Sens-Curry 30 points, Harris 28 points 9 rebounds 6 assists 3 steals, Simons 19 points 10 rebounds 11 assists 2 caps, Howard 12 points 8 rebounds 3 cover, Maxi 13 points 6 rebounds, Corni Matt 10 points.

This star: Simmount + Curry + Harris

The Cescet-Kuri performance is excellent, and the new high school is 30 points. Simmons played a comprehensive and contributing three pairs of data from 10 rebounds 11 assists. Harris also born 28 points 9 rebounds 6 assists. After the lack of Enshid, the three work together to lock the victory.

Game review

The first quarter, Wei Shazhong’s score, Simmus, Bill’s first basket, Eight villages, Harris throws score. The Cescet – Curry is divided into points, and Wei Shao also returns to a record. Bill is split, Simmons air-connected dunks. Curi will take 5 points. Wei Shaozhong’s reincarnation, Bill’s layup, Harris in the middle, the Sebul buckle basket. Wizards then played a wave of 6-0. Bill three-pointed, Howard took 4 points, Maxi shrewd, the first quarter ended, the Wizard 29-29 waves.

The next session, Lopez laying, Wei Shao two penalties, Colemaz buckling, eight villages in the middle, Bill lay in the basket, Marci took 6 points. Borders on the layup, Najo, Kuri mutual three points. Eight villagers also hit three points, Harris in the midst of the inner Toro. Wizards opened “chop Simons” tactics, Simmons 4 penalties 3, Wizards did not continue this tactics. Bill Lian took 4 points, Harris also took 4 points. Wei Shaozhong is told, Simons’s layup, Harris three-pointed. Green broke the power to score and hit a three-point, the end of the first half, the Philadelphia 65-63 leaded. First half, Bill 21 points, Wei Shao 14 points 6 rebounds 7 assists, Harris 16 points, Turi 14 points, Simmons 9 points.

Easy-side fight, Wei Shaosi three-pointed,  Bill resemble the basket score, also hit three points. Curi will take 5 points. The first 12 points in Philadelphia, is held by the Kuri. Wei Shao again three points, Harris also hits three points. Bill is score, Simons is 2 + 1. Eight villagers have split, Howard continuously cover Lopez and Bill, Simons on the basket, and pull the difference to the two digits. Eight villages in the branch, Howard air buckle, Smith, Colecamaz mutual three points, Lopez score. Three tens of battles, Philadelphia 103-94 leading special talent.

At the end of the year, Wei Sharp is divided into the mid-hit, Maxi internal line score. Bill Zhongzheng score, Howard two punishment two, Wei Shao supplement, flying the ball, eight villages in the split. The Simmons basket score, and the Curi is degraded. Wei Shao two penalties, Simons hands dunk, Harris throwing score, Philadelphia played a wave 19-7, with a difference between 20 points. Wizards changed to Bill and Wei Shao, eight villages took 4 points, and it was meaningless. The two sides were sent to the replacement, and finally, the home of Philadelphia was defeated, and then advanced to the East Semi-finals at 4-1.