
Mitchell returns to 4 consecutive victories! Dong Chico is magical, brushing record!

On June 3, Beijing time, the first round of the NBA playoffs has also entered the second half of the battle. Today, there is already a Buck, Net, 76 people, jazz, and the eagle five teams take the lead in advance. Today, two very exciting games, jazz 126: 110 easily defeat the eagle, big score 4: 1 eliminated Grizzlies. There is another battle that has received attention, and the monk is 105: 100 victory, and take the lead in the giving point.

Two winning teams have very excellent performances when they are at home. Jazz Michel came from 29 minutes and 25 seconds, and the 16 shots were cut down 30 points and 6 rebounds 10 assists, and he made 5 trips. And the east chiqi, 42 points, 8 rebounds 14 assists, once again attacked the home court.

It is worth mentioning that this game has also appeared a small episode. In the end of the game, the Clipcraft Team was pursued, and the Lennad bottom line took the ball to take the ball, but the result was filled with a three non-staples. During the pause of returning to the replacement, Long Du’s expression grabbed the show.

Broadcasting lens playback shows that Long Due is serious with Leonard, and the eyes are very big. It seems that this is not very dissatisfied with Leonard’s key. The final rapid team lost the game, and Lennad was also questioned because of the bad performance.

Dong Chico is magical, brushing record!

Dong Chicge is the god of data, today is called him. At this battle, the battle of Tianwangshan, the East Chickens will play 42 minutes, 37 shots, 12 shots in 12 shots, get 42 points and 8 rebounds 14 assists 1 steals. East Chicge has become a 25-season player in the top three in the top three in the past 25 seasons.

This is the 4th single field at least 40 + 9 assists in the East Chicgens career season, the fourth history of history, than shoulder Jordan, James and West. It is worth mentioning that this is the 11th game of 22nd Eastern East this year, 40+ 40+ in the 4th quarten has been with the magician Yo Hanx, Carl Malone, and Duncan.

As of this competition, the East Chicchi career season has scored 32.8 points, second only to Michael Jordan’s 33.4 points. While praise the east code, it has to be sighing Jordan’s greatness, and the career can still hold the race score of 33.4 points.

However, the performance of this game is not good in the final section, 8 shots 1, and only two assists, but the gratifying is that the exclusive man will win.

Mitchell returns to 4 consecutive victories!

The first accidental defeat of the jazz and the Grizzlies series, lack of Mitchell, Jazz or lacking the basic offensive core guarantee, the second fire line returned Mitchell highly cut 25 points, the whole team get 141 points And the first game jazz team only got 109 points.

This is enough to indicate that there is no change in the offensive power of Mitchell and Jazz. Subsequently, the jazz went and ruined, and 4 games did not leave the Grizzlies a little chance. Even if Morant has played excellent performance, it is still unable to make up for the gap between the overall strength of the team.

At this point of 30 + 6 + 10 meters, it became the first player who was able to cut 30 minutes and 5 rebounds 10 assists in the playoffs in the race. After last year, after the first round of the first round, Mitchell had always been a strong, and this year, the roll is coming, it finally turned over this hurdle.