
Oladado has achieved the first winning of the rocket career! The Rockets take a 103-102 dangers to win 14 consecutive 20+ 20+

On January 23, Beijing time, the NBA regular season continued, the Rockets challenge the piston of the union bottom. The lack of Wood’s air city, opening a 20-point advantage once. In the third quarter, they suddenly turned off, and they were overcharged. At the end of the game, the key on the back of the game was successfully created, and the Grante is unfortunately in advance, and the Rocket wins at 103-102, stopped the battle of 3 games. This whole team has seven people on the team, and Oladado has achieved the first victory of the Rockets.

Both sides

Rockets: Oladi, Gordon, Tate, Tak, Coss

Piston: Delang – Wright, Elington, Grant, Griffin, Pramley

This data

Rocket: Gordon 20 points, Tuck 15 points 7 boards, Sterling – Brown 14 points 8 boards, Nubaba 13 points 7 plates 4 help 2 broken 2 cap, Oladado 13 points, Tate 13 points, Titter 13 points, McGlaymore 10 points 7 board, Cousins ​​5 points 15 board 7 assistance (16 in 2)

Pistons: Grant 21 (14 consecutive 20+), Elington 18 points, Delang-Wright 18 points 6 plates, Rose 9 points 5 plates 3 help, Griffin 7 points 10 boards

The best: the rocket demonstrates back

This Gordon hand is not good for 14 castles, but he got 20 points in the audience and sent a flying slide. The third rocket is always on the verge of collapse. He got 9 points to help the Rockets, and he sent a key to the key basket and made a penalty, and became an important hero.

Game review

The first competition, Coss, Coss, Taklian, three points, Wright, then, then Elington and Tit were three points, Gordon hit 2 + 1, Takuni basket, Rocket opening 16 -5 leads. Wright continued to break through the hit, Cousins ​​cited the ball, Takler hit three points, McLeo quickly attacked, the Rocket 24-12 leaded. The piston is a wave of 6-0, and Brown three points will be sent again, and then he will again three, the Rocket 32-18 leads. Rose two punishments, Jackson two penalties, the rocket 34-21 leads the next next time.

At the beginning of the second day, the Rose inner line secondary offensive, McLemo mighty three points, Nuwava and Gordon continuously, the Rocket acquired 43-23 leaders. Then Ross hit three points, Jackson took 4 points, Pramley rebounded in the basket, Oladado broke the blood, then the Allington people three points, the piston was chased to 38-52. Lai Tit hits three points, Grant is piloted 2 + 1, Tate returns to the dunks, Orado two penalties, the rocket 47-55 go back into the second half.

Easily fight again, Lai Tets hit three points, Gordon broke through, and the Rocket 60-51 leaded by the Oladi branch. Grant two punishment, Tate and Gordon, three points, the rocket leads 11 points. Then Pramli made two free throws, Titt basket was formed, and the Rockets 68-58 were leading. The piston suddenly made a wave of 14-3, with a 72-71 anti-ratio. Gordon’s two penalty is once again re-ultracence, then Elington is three points, Gordon sent a buck, the piston was 6-0, the McEllo was pressed, and the Rocket 77-81 came behind.

At the end of the decision, McEllmare is three points, Nuwava breaks through, and the rocket 82-81. Subsequently, the piston is plaized on the basket, and Stewart is packed, and the rocket has been 5 points, then Sterling – Brown is three points, the Rocket 95-87 leads. The piston is 6-0 times, and Gordon has two free throws, then the two sides will punish the play, Grant is pursued into 3 + 0, and the piston is chasing 98-100. Griffin’s two penalties, Gordon created two penalties, the rocket leaded 4 points. Griffin hits three points, the last 3 second rocket lead 1 point, Grant breakthrough caused a pity that the foul has arrived in advance, the rocket is hidden.