
Net 98-85 wins the heat of Durant encounter basket network career the most iron battle Haden ending broke out the basket network to play 15-0 climax

On January 26th, Beijing time, the Nets 98-85 won the heat and gave the opponent three losses. Durant suffered a basket of baskets, the whole battle 21, but he still won 20 points and 13 rebounds 5 assists, but Haden ends broke out, led the basket to play 15-0 climax, take away the heat. The Heat Adebao is still excellent, but the key moment, the end of the Net network is more harmonious.

Both sides

Heat: Drajchi, Robinson, Olnique, Okpara, Adebord

Net: Ou Wen, Harden, Harris, Durant, Xiao Jordan

Data statistics

Net: One, Durant 20 points 13 rebounds 5 assists 1 steals 2 caps, European 16 points 8 rebounds 4 assists, Harden 20 points 4 rebounds 8 assists, Xiao Jordan 11 points 6 rebounds.

Heat: Adebord 26 points 10 rebounds 5 assists, Draji 21 points 6 rebounds 5 assists.

This star: Harden 20 points 4 rebounds 8 assists

Durant is not good, but there is also Harden. The first three sections received only 10 points of Harden, and broke out at the last moment of the fourth quarter. The end of Harden got 10 points, helping the Nets to play a wave of 15-0 climax, and a wave of flowers won the game.

Game review

The first quarter, Dunlo three hits, Adebuber took 5 points, and the heat was 8-0 open. Owen pursed 2 + 1, Durant in the middle of Adeba, Drajki three-pointers. Xiao Qiandan’s empty basket, complete 2 + 1, Adeburg in advance, Owen also retrans to the jump after returning. The radio of the basket is frequently thared, the first quarter, the heat 21-15 leading basket. The basket network three-pointer 10 in 0, the three giants first step 14 in 14 3, the feel is cold.

The second day, Dunlo two punishment two, Harden feeding the cake, also assists Harris’s hit three points. Achuna continuous dunks, Durant also assists small Jordan buckout. The two sides are big, and the Adebub is invited, Durant also kills the inner dunk. Owen is in the middle of the game, and the basket has been played, the Net is the first counter-specific points. The heat quickly responded to a wave of 8-0, Draji, three points, Nahn broke through. Harper is three points, the end of the half, the hot 45-41 leading basket.

Easy-side fight, Owen three-pointer, Durant two penalty two, Okpara also hit three points, Xiao Jordan replenished score. Dera Jiqi hand is hot, even 11 points, the Net also finds the feel, Durant is in the middle, Harris gave three points, both parties. Durant finally hit three points after the outside of the outside, Igo Dala also returned three points. Ada’s big hat has been staged after the opponent. Before the end of the third section, the Adebao was in the middle of the three points. The three battles, the Heat 71-70 leading basket.

At the end of the year, Kabalo three-pointed, Igodala on the basket. Durant three-pointed out, Adebao returns to China, critical moments, Durant again. More advantages in the basket network have been reflected, Harden has been 5 points, and the Ou Literary basket is hit, the basket network has a 15-0 climax, and a wave of flow is taken away. Harden has a unique 10 points in the last section and become the key to the winning wins.