
The fifth round of the Super League: Shanghai Harbor team VS Dalian team estimates that the Shangang, this game is likely to win two goals.

Beijing time on May 16th, the fifth round of the Shanghai Harbor VS Dalian, the second round of the Super League, is about to start, this game is considered to be a strong difference between the strength, Shanghai Shanggang is now 2 wins 2 win 2 wins The score is located in the first B group, while the four games before Dalian have only achieved a bad record of 1 win 3, if it is not a difficult to win Tianjin Jinmen Tiger, they are really difficult to get this year. fraction. In this way, the two grades meet the teams, and the game will inevitably appear, but only the two consecutive Harbor team is very downturn. Can they break the dense defense of Dalian people in this game?

The strength of the two teams contracted the fans at a glance. Although the Dalian people just got a first win more than the two-legged Harbor, the state could not smooth the powerful gap, plus Ryco has now felt the fans and The pressure brought by the media will inevitably go all out, this strength is not equal, and the final result is likely to be the victory of Shanghao, and the conservative is estimated that the market is very likely to be two. Winning the ball above the ball.

The last round of the Harbor team meets the strength of the power, the strength of the promotion, although Yatai is good in this year, but there is still a certain gap than the strong Harbor team, but no one thinks this. The two sides of the competition were more than 90 minutes and eventually got a single game. This order made the Harbor Team miss the opportunity to establish an advantage in the standings, but let Shandong Luneng rides a shadow leader list. After the draw, this is already two consecutive games, and the fans can be forgiven, but this competition, the Harbor team has the advantage, but it is not possible to get the ball, everyone seems to have seen the strength of the ball last year. Ballful shadow.

Although the strength of the Harbor team did not have obvious improvement last year, it is a good, and the grades of the Harbor team are far less than that of the foreign aid and team strength to occupy the absolute advantage. After replacing the main coach, it is definitely to improve the performance of the team’s weak last year. The fans also questioned the level of coaching of Ryco, and there would be a lot of benefits of the coaching luxury club, and the same pressure is also very large. Just two games did not play the standard, negative news and emotions came. This game is the best time for Ryco destroyed these negative news. From the strength of the Dalian people and Tianjin Jinmenhu half a catty eight or two, the first round of Harbor, the first round of the harbor, the first round of the sea, the Tianjin team, the entire line of the Taiwanese team was seized by the Harbor team, which faces the strength of this game Pretty Dalian, many harbor fans even shouted the slogan of the massacre.

But the winning and lifetime on football is far from the strength comparison, and the two teams in Tianjin and Dalian are all famous, but the situation of the two teams is still very different. China Super League begins. The Top Tianjin team only trained for a week, the team is still in the strangery stage, then they encounter strong harbor in power, but the Dalian people are different, although the team strength is not very strong. However, a winter-breaking preparation allows the team to move very well, and now it is not good because there is no inner support inner and foreign aid. Moreover, the Hong Kong team was also trained in this national team training and walked three national feet. Argovvich was also troubled by the front line, whether it would play this game or a position, so this game of the game The fabric is a huge test for Ryco.

The Dalian people finally got the first win in the Shangri Race. Broadcase the embarrassment of score is zero. From this year’s Dalian people’s winter break, it will see that this team has not intended to break through this year. I took away the big foreign aid in many teams, and I was unfassed from the head coach of the salary, and the first round of the league sent a young player as the main lineup. It was more than 10 U23 players on the tension. Dalian people put out the standing team to tell the entire super-super team, we are training this year, the only goal is that there is no downgrade to accept everything can be accepted.

After four rounds of the Zhongchao, the Dalian people were the only team that only took 1 foreign aid. He Ji was also ridiculed when the reporter was released. The first shooter in our team was the foreign aid in the team. Danielsen, by This can see how the Dalian people’s internal and foreign aids are scarce. But recently the team ushered in a good news. Dalian people’s internal and foreign aid, Boastlal, others are expected to return to the team after this intermittent period, and foreign aid will inevitably make Dalian people’s attack is great, but That is far water, can’t solve the neighborhood, now in the face of the Dalian people in the Harbor team still fierce.