
The latest news in the 2021 season Super Shandong Luneng: Former Luneng Foreign Aid Tardley is determined that it is not renewed

Today, the latest 2021 season Super Shandong Luneng’s news, according to domestic media reports, before Luo Can foreign aid is not renewed, but there is a fan to say that he should go to Shenhua trial, this is not good news for Shenhua.

The content of domestic media reports is generally, and shortly, the Bara Mi Nairo is confirmed that the former Luneng foreign aid Tardley contract expires, the two sides will not renew, returning from Gremio to Mi Nairo, 8 times, no Goal and assists.

Tardley, this year, this year, in 2015, it is particularly excellent in 2017 and 2018, and 15 and 20 goals are achieved, and the assists are 4 and 7, and thereafter returns to Brazil. For Tardley’s not signed, there is a fans to leave a message: “It can go to Shenhua’s age.”

It can be seen from the domestic media report that Tardley has had a brilliant performance in China and has been recognized by Luneng fans. Although the media did not reveal more details, the fans ridiculed him to Shenhua age, this for Shenhua It is not good news.

Familiar fans know that the two-year Shenhua is indeed very strange, the introduction of the players are big players, such as Han Chao, Zeng Cheng, Adrian, Wu Wei, etc., is said to be the old home, in addition to this In addition, it is also very strange to Shenhua, such as Tvevis, Salawi, etc., leaving a bad impression on the fans, in short, Shenhua should get rid of the fans as soon as possible.