
He Yanyu joined the Guoan Guoan in the way, it has officially announced three new aids.

Before the international transfer window closed, Guoan completed a rebate, and the Tunyu, who was played in the Yingchao, joined the way. At this point, Guo’an has officially announced three new aid, two of which are U23.


He Yuxi was born in 2001, Shenyang people, football enlightenment in Dalian Northeast Road Primary School, in 2012, with family travel in the UK, accepting the cultivation of the British football. In 2015, He Yumu was signing from Nordz County, entered the Qingjun queue, rising from Nordz County, 2018, and then was seen by the Yingmi, before the Joining Guoan, He Yumoyu is a rotation player of the Wolf team U23, more appears Winged and forward position.

Before He Xiangyu, Guoan introduced Cao Yongjing and Gao Tianyi, among which Cao Yongchao was 24 years old. Gao Tianyi was born in 1998, in accordance with the conditions of U23. Guoan introduced three young players, in order to improve the age structure of the team, but more importantly, it relieves the Tour of the U23 personnel.

He Yumoyu is a good inside, which is impressive, and the consciousness of the post-insertation and the body confrontation is good, this is the characteristics of the players trained in the UK. He Yixu mentioned the part of his hopes, one is speed, “I hope I can be so fast”, and I hope that the ability to grasp the opportunity in front of the door is increasing with the increase in the game. He said in an interview before that there was more like Zhang Yunning and Wei Shihao in domestic players. Nowadays with Zhang Yunning, two people may have a certain chemical reaction.

He Xunyu also had “acquaintances” in the national security array. Lee can return to the country as soon as possible, in order to recover as soon as possible, once in the wolf team, when He Yumu is also in the team, Li Ke can also send it in his own social media. The photo of the two, perhaps he already knows that the young Chinese player will become a teammate in the future in Guoan.

He Yuxu expects to arrive in China this Saturday, and will meet with the team after isolation. Although people have not arrived, the main coach Bili has a certain understanding of him, but more precisely, He Yuxi’s joining is also an entrance to Bilic. Bilch was coached in Premier League before coming to Guoan, perhaps his players developed by the British training system.

He Yinyu new season will wear Guoan’s 28th jersey. “No. 28 is the number I once in Nordsshire. New season, I must go all out, strive for the best performance. Fight, Guoan!” He said.

Guoan last season U23 mainly used Zhang Yunning, Guo Quanbo, two people have been “over-age” this season, and a team of competitions is relatively rich and eligible to meet the conditions, but he did surgery after injury last season, how is the state? Observing, U23 has become Guoan’s most need for reinforcing links. Gao Tianyi joined for Guoan a choice, but his position with Hou Yongyong is closer to the midfield, Guoan’s midfielder, in addition to several foreign aid, there is Zhang thin, Chi Zhongguo, and Park Cheng Level players, sacrifices any one, have a bit unfortunately put the position to U23, so Guoan is aiming at U23 in the attraction, but I hope to find a team member in other locations, the He Yusu, who is a numerous person, is a more ideal one.

Before the addition of Guoan, He Yumu did not have many opportunities in China. He once played a game on behalf of the country, but the performance did not grabb. In addition, in the Weifang Cup and the Zhonghe Cup, He Yuxu gave a wolf team, of which there was a wonderful break in the Weifang Cup.

In addition, two new aid Cao Yongjing and Gao Tianyi have already trained with Guoan. Gao Tianyi has also harvested a ball in the front of Guoan and Taishan’s teaching competition.

In addition to alleviating the pressure of the U23 personnel, Bilici also hopes to dig up the right young players, Liu Guobo, is a chance to get in the new season.