
The Pioneer team defeated the Wizards Bill of 132-121 to win 37 points Lillad cut 32 points +8 assists helped the Pioneers to win the game.

On February 3, Beijing, China continued, and the Wizards were at home to fight the pioneers. The Pioneer team is the main first year leads 21 points. Although the Wizards have repeatedly chased the difference between the number of digits, they are all opened again by the Pioneers team. In the end, the Pioneers defeated the Wizards in 132-121.

Both parties:

Wizards: Bill, Wesbrooke, Eight Village, Afdia, Robin – Lopez

Pioneer Team: Lillad, Trent, Kodon, Hook, Canter

This data

Wizards: Bill 37 points, Wesbrook 17 points 12 rebounds 10 assists, eight villages 24 points 5 rebounds, Afdia 13 points and 7 rebounds.

Trail team: Lillad 32 points 8 assists, Trent 26 points, Hook 15 points, Anthony 21 points to welcome milestones (surpassing Wilkins) NBA History of NBA History, Covevon 19 points 9 rebounds, Canter 14 points 15 rebounds.

At this star

Lilad has got 32 points of 8 assists, and finally the moment is another three-pointer, helping the Pilot Team to win the game.

Game review

The first competition, Bill came up to assisted Affidia to complete 2 + 1, Kodonton continued to three points in three points for the Pioneers. Wesbrooke breaks through the eight villagers. Trent and Hu De joined to Hutcrangi, Trent Trent, Trent, also, the Pioneer Team played 20-2 attack waves leading 19 points. Bill Liantai 5 points, the pioneers have more flowers to continue to maintain a big score. Anthony took 6 points after the debut, the Pioneering team leaded to 21 points, and the Wizards knocked down. At the end of the first quarter, the Pioneer team 40-23 is leading.

In the second section, Wei Shao is 7 points, but the Wizards are unable to limit the attack of the Pioneers. Trent continuously tripped three points, Simmons three points, the Pioneering team will lead 19 points again. The two sides were in the middle of the three points, Bill continuously in the three points, eight villages, dried jump, Bill triple, the Wizards narrow the division to 7 points. Canter Laught 4 points, Bill breakthroughs and also assists the eight villagers and bursts, and the difference between the two parties is still 7 points. Lillad three penalties, eight villagers, Wei Shaoheng has played, Lillad continuously got 4 points, and Anthony finally broke through the last 0.9 seconds. At the end of the first half, the Pioneer team 75-63 leads.

Easy Battle, Lilad and Bill are also three-pointed to the three points, Trent and Affidia. Lillad three points, you come to me, and Wei Shao has completed 2 + 1, eight villages jumped, the Wizards 81-88 were still behind 7 points. Kodonton continuously passed the three points, Trent’s three points, Anthony three points, with this three-pointer, Anthony exceeded the NBA history of Wilkins ranked 13th, this is Anthony The first three-pointers in the 4 games. The trails of the three-shift leadership is 19 points. Bill took 6 points, but helpless teammates hand, the third section ends, the Pioneer team 106-90 leads.

In the last section, the eight villages broke out of 7 points, and the Trail of the Pioneer Team has stabilized the situation. Wei Shao sent the 10th assists in the scene, assisted Bill completed breakthrough, and the personal score came from 30 points. Lillad quickly respected breakthrough. Bill is 5 points, eight villages and Bellans have passed the three points, and Anthony took 4 points, and Canter breakthroughs, the Pioneering team leads 7 points. Boer buckle, Afdia voted three points, the Wizards sold only 4 points behind. Trent’s three points, Lillad broke through Wei Yixi, and there were two free throws in Texton, and the Pioneers team leaded 11 points. After the mistakes mistaken, Lillad has once again investing three points, and the Pioneer team leads 14 points for the last 1 minute 12 seconds. The Wizards replaced the main year to give up in advance, and finally, the Pioneers team defeated the Wizards.