
Time to send a game! The Nets defeated the Spurs in 124-113 to refuse to loses the Harden career 52nd three pairs of European 27 points +6 rebound +7 assists

On March 2, Beijing time, the NBA regular season Net came from the vented tuning. After the Owen injury, Durant continued to injure. Harden and Owen attack jointly lead the basket online festival 12 points, then encounter the Spurs team to attack the first three quarters into 81-81 flat, the end of the basket has reached 12 points again, but was tragged by the spurs. Time. Owen and Haden were defeated in the overtime. The final basket is at 124-113 to defeat the Spurs and refuse to loser. At the same time, the Guest Maritor’s home 17 has been defeated, and it is also the main scene of the Spurs after 2002. Winning.

Both sides

Net: Harden, Ou Wen, Brown, Harris, Xiaogadan

Spurs: Durzan, Lears, Peltel, Walker, Murray

Data statistics

Net: Harden 30 points 14 rebounds 15 assists 0 mistakes, Ou Wen 27 points 6 rebounds 7 assists, Brown 23 points, Xiao Jordan 8 points 13 rebounds 5 assists 3 caps, Clarkson 17 points 3 caps, four people scored Upload.

Spurs: Durzan 22 points 11 assists 6 rebounds, Aldridge 3 0 get 2 points 4 rebounds, Lales 10 points 7 rebounds, Peltel 14 rebounds, Walker 19 points, Murray 19 points 8 Assisted 6 rebounds, Mills 14 points, and the whole team scored double.

At this star

After the coming out of Owen, Harden got rid of a single core rate team, he contributed 30 + 14 + 15 + 0 mistakes three-double data, using attack combined with the performance team to overturn the spurs and refuse to loser, especially help the basket network End the embarrassment record of the Guest Maritor’s Home 17.

It is worth mentioning that Harden’s basketball career has contributed three three pairs, and he is also the 52nd triple of his career.

Game review

A basket online lack of Durant and Ou Wen, the Harden single-core rate team is difficult to support a single-service man, regretting the end of 8 consecutive victories, the spurs is a three-point advantage. This kind of service, the Owen returns of one of the basket giants, Durant continues to be injured, Jeff Green, Ruwuu is also lacking, the Spurs lacks White, Gai and Wassell, Weselspen and Camp Den Johnson.

The two teams in the game were first confrontation. The first opening game Harden was sent to the cake, Qiao Dan and Brown, and she was still connected to Harris three, and the spurs made 2 points, Haden connected Ou Wen Three-point anti-over 1 point stop the Spurs. Harden continued to connect Brown on the basket and three points, Haden half-festive sent 6 assists, helping Net 15-9 leaded to stop the Spurs again. Mills and Owen were three-pointed on the attack, the Drazan Rod, Owen helped the small Jordan empty, and Owen also made a branch of two penalties. Durzan is invited to visit, and the Owen Dajun is in the middle of the two points, and Samanic returns a three-point, and Shamete two free throws and Taylor-Johnson three points expand 8 points. Dirozzhong was shocked, the Aldrich was not in the middle of the stuff, and the first basket is leading the Spurs 27-21.

The Second Festival Harden took the lead in making two penalties, Mills trispeared, Clarkson was eating a cake, and the spurs were more than 32-32 flat. Shame Triman stopped bleeding, Murray bun with Peltel inner line, Clarkson 2 + 1 and eating cake, Harden and Harris were three points, the Net has opened 46-36 leading . Duro Zanlian shouted to pass the pursuit, Haden’s backward, Owen and Harden assists Clarkson’s two free dunks to achieve 12 points. Mills, Lales and Walker three points, Spurs one wave of 9-0 offensive is only 3 points. Owen three points, Durzan broke through 2 + 1, Xiao Qiao Dam took the violent buckle, Durzan continued to shoot the score. The first half of the basket 57-54 leading Spurs, the first two Articles III 3 in the three points 3 get 12 points 5 assists, Harden 4 2 get 6 points 5 rebounds 10 assists, Durzan 8 in 7 get 15 points 6 assists .

Easy to fight again, the third section Owen is divided into a penalty, Pelttel is bite, and the Owen connection is divided into the Spurs. Walker throws his life, Harden two punishments, Peltil dunks have been posed in only 2 points in Murray, and Harris is stabilized. Peltel Inner line has been 4 points, Murray quickly attacks the basket and China votes also have 4 points, and the spurs one wave 8-2 offensive over 1 point, Harden breaks the next basket and Clarkson inner score, Dior Three points chase to 76-76 flat. Brown is 5 points, Diopu, and Samanic three points, the first three baskets and the Spurs are 81-81 flat. The first three quarters of the two teams have reached 20 points, and 4 people on the Nets, and the Spurs 5 people.

In the fourth quarter, 3 minutes before the clock, only 3 points, Haden’s attack lead basket network played 9-3 offensive to pull the gap, Durzan broke the layup, Haden self-cultivation basket and assists Owen three points, the basket is opened 9 points gap to stop the Spurs, Harden has reached three pairs of data. Returning to the competition in Ou Wenzhong to expand two-digit advantages, Peltel eats baked to bleeding, Harden breaks through the return, and the Layle is all-in-law. Harden swayed, Karai three points and reached 12 points, Walker returned a three-point, Harden broke through the life, Walker once again three points, Duro Zanzheng division two punishment is chasing 6 points to stop Net. Harden is empty under the basket, and Peltel is not in the middle, and Xiao Jordan has maintained a 10-point advantage. Walker and Mills have been chased by only 4 points, and the basket is in succession. Durzan breaks the back of the back and chasing only 2 points to stop the basket. Harden and Owen have successively attacked, Murray grabbed the rebound fast counterattack, completed the key large two-pointer, and the spurs were chased into the overtime. The two teams join hands to enter the overtime war. Owen took the lead in three points and Haden, and the Owen was also connected to Brown three-pointers, and the basket network was 8-0 offensive pressed the Spurs. Peltel eats the bakes in the Horses in the Times, and Murre’s three points chasing only 3 points. Ou Wen returned a triple, and then stepped to stop the spurs. Harden cable Brown rebuilt 8 points advantage, Drozan Shun ball has a low-level mistake, and Harden has been withdrawn from three-pointer to expand 11 points. The Spurs took the initiative to give up, and finally Net Time to defeat the spurs. Losnow.