
The lake is finalized the last sign! The Lakers signed the free players – McEllo

Beijing time on April 7, according to the US “FadeawayWorld” report, the Lakers signed the free players today – McLomo, McLuto is the player of the Klutch Sports Broker, and the company’s founder is LeBron James’ friend Riqi – Paul. It is worth mentioning that since James joined the Lakers in the summer of 2018, the Lakers have already signed the players of the eight Klutch Sports brokerage.


McEllo was 28 years old. He was selected by the king in 2013, and his career has been effective in king, Grizzlies and rockets. McLemo signed a rocket in the summer of 2019, and he was laid off by Rockets on April 4 this year, and he got 7.4 points and 2.1 rebounds in the 32 games played by the Rockets this season. The three-pointer hit rate is 33.1%. In the 2019-20 season, McLemo can get 10.1 points and 2.2 rebounds, and the three-point ball rate reaches 40%. .

Many small market teams are complaining that the broker controls NBA, as one of the largest and most famous brokerage companies, Klutch Sports is obviously one of the manipulated NBA brokerage companies.

Although Klutch Sports is really good at attracting players into their flag, this company is often popular because of the links between James, because the founder of this company is the best friend of James. Whether it is not coincidental, many Klutch Sports’ players, and later tied with James and James, now they are tied with the Lakers.

In fact, since James joined the Lakers in the summer of 2018, the Lakers had already appeared on their big lists, which were in their big list. This is the most alliance in this period.

“CBS Sports” reporter SAM Quinn wrote today: “Since LeBron James Since the lake in 2018, the Lakers have signed the players of the eight KLUTCH SPORTS brokerage company: James, Anthony – David S, Kentavius-Codewell-Pop, Tarlen-Horton-Tak, Di WiTes, JR-Smith, Monteres – Harrell and now Ben McEllo. “

Interestingly, all the players mentioned above have joined the Klutch Sports brokerage after signing with the Lakers.

SAM Quinn also pointed out that Lorenzo-Porto, which is currently effective in Pelican is a player of Klutch Sports Brokerage, but he does not belong to the broker when he is active, so he does not calculate him.

After the Lakers signed McLho, James immediately wrote on social media: “They all put this – McLemo, optimistic.”

A reporter found that James paid attention to him in the rookie season of McLeo.