
90-113! The Hornets are not enemy flyer George 20 points +10 board +6 help

On May 14th, Beijing time, the wasp hosted the bus. After the last lost, the wasp encountered two joints, so in yesterday, the bull is not enemy basket network, the wasp is accommodated to lock the seat of the playoffs, and the fastess team wins in the past four games Three games.

Let’s take a look at the two team data, the fast ship is 5 people score, the small card 16 points 3 board 9 help, Morris 15 points 3 board, George 20 points 10 board 6 help, Leiji 19 points 3 board 3 help, bar Tum 11 points 3 plates, Ju Du 9 points 4 plates 5 help, Cousins ​​2 points 2 plates 2 broken, Beverly 2 points, Sklab 4 points.

Today, Leiji-Jackson’s performance is very good, this field contributes 19 + 3 + 3, hit 5 trips! The impression is very deep and has his block of Martin.

Wasp, McDanier 10 points 4-point 4-point 2 help, Washington 7 points 5 plates 4 broken, 13 points for Yongbo 13 points, Rozil 10 points 4 plates 5 help 2 broken, Ball 18 points 6 board 7 help 2-Broken, Glaham 5 points 2 plates 5 help, Zeler 10 points 6 plates, Martin 9 points, Monk 7 points.

This game is more expected to be three-ball performance. Yesterday NBA official website announced the latest new show list, Lamelo-Bauer returned to the top, Edwards and Titch seconds, Harlie Don fourth.

It is important to know that the three goals have encountered a major injury in the past, and the fans believe that he is in the best and new show this year. But this is not the case, even James is commended with three balls of 360 degrees! “I have confidence in myself. If you ask me, I will say, I am the best rookie this year.”

The buck of the horses on the home of the first half of the buck lead 3 points, but the second half of the second half is fully mastered, the team completes the rebound in the third quarter, the game has last 5 minutes, the bus boat has expanded the difference advantage. More than twenty, there is no suspense, and finally the whole game is over, the Hornets 90-113 will not be enemy.

The first two sections, the wasp is still very good, especially the performance of the three balls, let the teacher’s imprint, all kinds of passed a wonderful assistance attacks are expected! Take a look at this, three goals do not look at the ball, assists in the Washington basket easily.

This is still not finished, the next round of Charlotte has rushed the youthful storm, the team launched a strike, three goals selfless pass, gently and shielded the Dandien buckle. Not only can help attack, but also stand up. When the Hornets are behind, the three-ball exterior is continuously fired, and the two points are reduced in an instant. Half 5 shots 3, three points 2 in 2, contributed 11 points 4 rebounds 3 assists 2 steals.

The reason why the clove to complete the full and anti-superchard in the second half, and George has a big relationship. In the first half, George just took 6 points, all came from the first section, and the second quarter 10 minutes 3 times shot. Section III comes back to the Pepper single-section contribution 9 points, and the fourth quarter is even more than 5 points to stop the opponent.

Of course, don’t forget the cold and ruthless machine killer, Len Nard can say that it is a little bit of power to take the victory. The same is only 6 points in the first half, and the third section broke out 3, three points 1 in 1, cut 10 points! The fourth quarter did not play, and it took directly.

The most Sao still Long, than passage? How can I forget the guidance of Longlong! The second half is very wonderful, and the rear of the Lennad, which is relaxed in the back. The death, let him install it. I can see 58 times!

Three balls can be done, and Long Duo can also. It also helps attacks with scores, see these two three-pointers, the more far, or the continuous round is very rare.