
CBA Northeast Tiger Jilin and South China Tiger Guangdong two Tigers

On January 8th, Beijing time, the CBA has three games all day, and Guangdong is in Guangdong, and Beijing is in Suzhou, and Zhejiang against Suzhou. It is naturally the Northeast Tiger Jilin and South China Tiger Guangdong’s second tible, making a lot of fans. It is not understood that such a key game is arranged at 15:30 in the afternoon, how many fans will have a worker? In fact, in the evening, the viewing effect will be better. However, CCTV5 will bring live broadcasts, and like fans will naturally miss such a good show.

Refer to Northeast Tiger, Guangdong, will Guangdong Fans? It should be a generation of Huaibo, his three-pointer is Du Feng to be guarded. Even if his outer line is not stable this season, he has had the four consecutive three points to stop the experience of Guangdong, don’t ignore the big shooter. In addition to the competition between foreign aid and the opposition between the big shooters, there is still a point in this game is the PK of the local backfinder. On the side is Zhao Rui, Hu Mingxuan, Xu Jie, one side is Jiang Yuxing and Jiang Weizhu, many fans are expecting Jiang Yuxing to be able to Entering the national team, facing the national team’s main coach Du Feng, can Jiang Yuding move the other party? A good show is about to start, don’t forget, the game time is 15:30 pm, don’t miss it!

In the past few years, Jilin Northeast Tiger is a big bit of Guangdong. Even when Guangdong plays smooth water, encounter Jilin and a few times, the Northeast Tiger is very serious, and it is very tough, this tough in the regular season It is often not to eat in Guangdong, so Jilin Northeast Tiger is called “CBA Giant Killer”, but they ranked the forefront of the season, they also moved towards the direction of the giants, and the Guangdong, it is also a strong conversation, and the winning will look at the two teams. status. Of course, from the perspective of strength, Guangdong is definitely stronger, but the northeast tiger has Jones, everything is possible.

After the second phase of Jones returned, basically took over the competition of the Northeast Tiger, and the game was 40 minutes from 40 minutes. The three games scored more than 50 points, almost unstoppable. On the side of Jones’s big bag, one side of Wims and Ma Shangbrucks is highly effective, such a collision is very good. Jones I am afraid to give Guangdong a problem. He tested Du Feng’s insection. Who is going to prevent, how to prevent, Wims is Zhou Peng? Jones must have to make anti-killed injury through breakthroughs. Guangdong’s large children should avoid fouls. This strong foreign aid is a strength to manufacture 6. However, Jones is a double-edged sword. Once the individual is fell into a single-handed mode, the team’s attack is actually stagnant. Wang Wei needs to remind Jones to stay calm, otherwise I want to win Guangdong too difficult.